Theoretical Economics, Volume 16, Number 1 (January 2021)

Theoretical Economics 16 (2021), 235–274

Agendas in legislative decision-making

Sean Horan


Despite the wide variety of agendas used in legislative settings, the literature on sophisticated voting has focused on two formats, the so-called Euro-Latin and Anglo-American agendas. In the current paper, I introduce a broad class of agendas whose defining structural features, history-independence and persistence, are common in legislative settings. I then characterize the social choice rules implemented by sophisticated voting on agendas with these two features. I also characterize the rules implemented by more specialized formats (called priority agendas and convex agendas) whose structure is closely related to the prevailing rules for order-of-voting used by legislatures. These results establish a clear connection between structure and outcomes for a wide range of legislative agendas.

Keywords: Majority voting, sophisticated voting, agendas, committees, implementation

JEL classification: C72, D02, D71, D72

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