Theoretical Economics, Volume 11, Number 3 (September 2016)

Theoretical Economics 11 (2016), 1103–1144

Transparency and distressed sales under asymmetric information

William Fuchs, Aniko Öry, Andrzej Skrzypacz


We analyze price transparency in a dynamic market with private information and interdependent values. Uninformed buyers compete inter- and intra-temporarily for a good sold by an informed seller suffering a liquidity shock. We contrast public versus private price offers. With two opportunities to trade, all equilibria with private offers have more trade than any equilibrium with public offers; under some additional conditions, we show Pareto-dominance of the private-offers equilibria. If a failure to trade by the deadline results in an efficiency loss, public offers can induce a market breakdown before the deadline, while trade never stops with private offers.

Keywords: Adverse selection, transparency, distress, market design, volume

JEL classification: D82, G14, G18

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